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MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT : Why and What To Do?

Writer:  Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand  M.D. Elizabeth Bahar Houshmand M.D.

Hair Cycles

It’s important to understand the physiologic hair cycles.

Normally, about 85% of hair is in an active growth phase called anagen, with 15% of hairs in the resting telogen phase, where it can be shed.

Physiological or major psychological stressors on the body can cause up to 70% of growing hairs into the telogen phase, where more hairs are shed in a short period of time.

This type of hair loss is typically diffuse, not patchy, and patients will notice handfuls of hairs coming out with showering, brushing, or even on their pillowcases.

Up to 50% of the hair on your scalp or more can be shed with telogen effluvium.

You may notice significant shedding around two or three months after the acute event or illness.

Don’t Stress

The psychological impact this kind of shedding is very emotional.

It is stressful but know that your hair will come back.

Unfortunately, it will take time.

The body is intelligent. The ratio of growing to resting hairs will grow back towards normal, but this process can take months.

Hair Loss is Common

You are not alone. 40% of hair-loss is seen in women. In a female’s life there are multiple potential causes depending on your phase in life. As we age, it is inevitable to have some levels of hair thinning and loss. It can appear as decrease seen as receding hair line, widening part, thinning diffusely or even bald patches. Hormonal changes following pregnancy, stress, and illness, overuse of hot tools or highlights, straightening treatments.

What To Do

Exfoliate Your Scalp

Exfoliation of the scalp helps promote hair growth and sloughs off dead skin cells and product debris. There is some evidence that exfoliation may also remove excess DHT while simultaneously promoting the growth of new follicles.

Treat An Itchy Scalp

An itchy scalp can be dandruff, or it can be more serious. Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis are two different conditions (you can have both BTW). It is important see your dermatologist if it is not getting better with over-the-counter products. (SEE Shop My Shelf:

PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma

One of my favorite treatments with evidence-based science that it works. If you are otherwise healthy and are experiencing androgenetic alopecia, I highly recommend PRP. It is one session every 4-6 weeks (minimum of 3 to 4 initial sessions) to see results.


© 2020 HoushmandMD Dermatology

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Disclaimer: This site only provides information about dermatology and this information is not meant to be taken as medical advice. For more information about dermatology, contact Dr. Houshmand

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